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Wild Boar Tuscany excellence is one of the most authentic dishes
in the restaurants of Lucca
Wild Boar Tuscany excellence can also be found in Florence
in a statue next to Loggia del Mercato in the historic center of the city

Dishes Pig or Wild Boar
Do we have wild boar Tuscany excellence in our dishes?
Otherwise Tuscany and its territory favors breeding
growth also often exaggerated
So what are the three main recipes used in Tuscany for wild boar:
Pappardelle with wild boar
Wild Boar meat stew with wine
Wild Boar in white
Three recipes Wild boar
Presence of wild board in Tuscany
where can we find the wild boar in Tuscany?
Especially in the Tuscan Archipelago in the San Rossore Park or in the Maremma country
Animals are robust ancestor of domestic pigs. They like water fruit the sprouts
the brushwood the acorns
Often object of hunting trips, it lives in the dense scrub but sometimes goes downhill
in the villages and approache houses or the roads
Omnivore prefers to move at night or at dusk
Where to eat wild boar in Lucca
Where to eat wild boar in Lucca is the first question you will ask yourself
when you come to visit us and I would say to indicate at least three restaurants:
From Rosolo
Osteria Baralla
Osteria del Bastian Contrario
Wild boar salami
What about Wild Boar Salami?
yes it is Salami is tradition an excellent appetizer to be eaten raw
and to be enjoyed like a snack