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S. Anna his Church and City quarter
I tell you the story of S. Anna Church and his city quarter beacuse I like the history
I don t want to bore you but the area has only 900 years of history behind and it was between Piazzale Verdi and Ponte San Pietro populating thanks to 90 men swaring allegiance to Giovanni di Boemia son of Carlo.
A few years later destroyed by the wars between Lucchesi Pisani and Firoentini it was originally called also the Piaggia closest to the area of S. Alessio where was built the Church of S. Anna for the first time
Due to the flood it was taken away together with the cemetery and therefore they decided to erect it where the church is today.
The Church has undergone several informations and expansions as well as the district which has become very important military point of view
The military roles have handed till today several surnames of lieutenant or captains
In 1790 Lucca grew and was buld a Cemetary in S. Anna because the city of Lucca became increasingly important.
I leave you in-depht link Italian language : S. Anna Church and his City quarter