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Maddalena Trenta : her story begins in Lucca as a noblewoman
which she was loved by Frederick IV of Denmark
Their love was impossible love story
Her family hosted Frederick IV of Denmark for a while
who fell in love with her
Since he was Lutheran and she was a Catholic there was no place for
them chance to become wife and husband for life
So the prince charming one day was forced to return to the cold lands
of Nothern Europe promising himself one day to return to his love
in Italy
Maddalena Trenta took her vows and entered a defendant in Florence as a
nun cloister
Federico IV got married but after 11 years returning to Italy he wanted to meet
his beloved one again and he did stir all that
He did the impossible until they met but unfortunateky theirs was a goodbye forever
He did not convert to Catholicism and she did not dissolve her vows