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Lucca wine tasting course is one of the experiences proposed that
it will start in a few days
Location at B&B Villa Sunrise Lucca via di Vicopelago e di Pozzuolo 403
Who offers the course
Morris Lazzoni Sommelier or rather in love with wine
Well if you want then he also has a blog that talks about him and
more about wine by title :
The course starts on March 1st and ends on April 5th 2023
It takes place over 6 evenings of 2 hours each and with a total of 25
wines for tasting
For the programme costs dates just click here :
Lucca wine tasting course is suitable for anyone with a theorical part complited
from a practical tasting session mini-dinner gift dinner-wine pairing
The context will be cheerful fun and spoantaneous

The program of the tasting course begins as the wine is born that is form the wineyard to the
vinification in the cellar up to the bottle
You will taste white red wine and bubbles until you get to tie a dish to a wine
The number of participants is modest so that it can be a group where everyone participates
and feel involved
Morrsi lazzoni is a person available for all your question I leave you his contanct details
PH : +39 347 7529061
I f you want to start being passionate about wine we are waiting for you at the
B&B Villa Sunrise Lucca
This is the link where you can buy the wine tasting course :