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Lucca Lakes naturalistic Tour is an holiday idea that I
married thanks to the drought that this summer 2022 has brought
us and why not write about a naturalistic tour lakes near Lucca
by car by motorbike to spedn a different day on open air
From Lucca to Sibolla Lake
Lucca naturalistic Tour lake I wish to write about Sibolla Lake
In 1996 the provicne Lucca created the Sibolla lake Nature
The wetland is located near Altopascio about 31 km from Lucca
it extends for about 12 thousand square meters and hosts the sfagneto
which is a series of dead rare plants
The sfagneti are found in particular at lake Massaicuccoli in Sibolla Lake
Monti Pisano and San Lorenzo Vaccoli
Lake of Bientina
Lake of Bientina or Lake of Sesto fed by channels of Ozzeri
in the province of Pisa a watercourse that came from Serchio river
Originally it was a mirror full of water and was cut in the middle
the border between the Stae of Lucca and the Grand Duchy of Tuscany
In 1859 it was drained and La Botte was built
They built a canal as an outlet under Arno River currently it flows into
Calambrone and Livorno
Stops on Lake Bientina
It seems that it had several landings on the Lucca shore
small ports at least 14 ports
Giosué Carducci remebers the Lake of Bientina
In the poetry Fiada Comune Giosué Carducci recalls the lake of Bientina
Faida Comune tells of the dispuste for the territory between Pisani and
It said that for more then twenty years the war between them lasted with revenge
and blood
Carducci recounts the meeting to find peace between the Lucchesi senators
In the Poetry Faida Comune Giosué Carducci recalls the lake of Bientina
Faida Comune tells of the dispute for the territory between Pisani and Lucchesi
It is said that for more than twenty years the war between them lasted with revenge and blood
Carducci recounts the meeting to find peace between the Lucchesi senators and the
Pisani senators