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His Excellency Tessiture Artistiche Lucchesi
It is almost impossibile to rebuild the history of His excellency Tessiture Artistiche Lucchesi
It existed in XII century in Lucca it seems there were already and in considerable number looms
that worked to supply the nerchants silk clothes destined for the great French and Nothern European fairs
Their number then gradually increased until reaching unthinkable heights at the end of the 13th century
Silk from Lucca was refined and quality
Companies of merchants made it knwn and appreciated in Italy France England germany Flanders and later Poland
The fabric ranged from damasks to velvets and brocades are preserved in the church and places in the courts
of the princes at the Lyon Silk Museum
The Tessiture Artistiche Lucchesi have had the merit of having rovered the textile activity that they had made economically
indipendent Lucca with its owner Luisa Raffaelli