Full immersion in the Castles

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Full immersion in the Castles is an idea as a tour in Tuscany

to be done in the winter months.

It starts fro Lucca B&B Villa Sunrise in the direction of

Castello dell Imperatore Prato city

Then Castello Conte Guidi and finally Castello Ripafratta Pisa

The route is about 146 km to be done by car or motorbike perhaps

in the warm season

Castello dell Imperatore Prato

Castello dell Imperatore Prato you can reach by car after about 43 min

by car about 58 km perhaps taking the A11 motorway

The castel is located in Piazza Santa Maria delle Carceri ordered

by Frederik II of Swabia where once stood the Castelli degli Alberti Prato

Nobles Family

It was razed to the ground bythe troops of Matilda di Canossa

It stands ina strategic location and was built in stages and connected

to the third circle of walls through a covered corridor or qurterdeck

In some respects it resembles Castel del Monte because it consists of

eight towers and is rich in symbols

During the fascist period it was used to lock up hundreds of arrested people

from Prato

In the 70 s the Castle was renovated and it is possible to visit and it dominates

the city of Prato

Castello Conte Guidi Vinci

Full immersion in the Castles takes you to Castello Conte Guidi in Vinbci after

about 1h30 trip by car

It is also referred to as the ship ‘ s castle due to its elongated shape

The interior is enriched with sculpted and frescoed coats of arms and

a Madonna with child in ceramic by Giovanni della Robbia

The Castle is also a museum which houses Leonardo’s works which are

appreciated by visitors

From Castle you can admire a beautiful panorama of the Tuscan countryside

visit the medieval village of Vinci

Full Immersion in the Castle

Castello di Ripafratta

We arrive at the Castello di Ripafratta near Pisa after 2 h 30 min around 146 km

approach in Lucca

According to legend the village of Ripafratta where the Castle stands is called

in this way for the rift and the landslide that accurred on the slopes of Monte Pisano

Pisa Castles