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Ego and Cosmic Concert is an observatory located near Pisa in the municipality of Cascina
It is co9llaborative European project dedicated to the study of gravitational waves
Ego hosts the VIRGO detector one of the world’s leading gravitational observatories.
The VIRGO Detector is an integral part of the international network of gravitational wave detectors along with the LIGO detectors in the United Staes
The goal of these observatories is to detect and study gravitational waves generated by massive cosmic events
such as the merging of black holes or neutron stars
EGO is managed through collaboration among various European countries and has been instrumental in the succes of gravitational wave detections
Its strategic positioning combined with collaboration with other observatories enables better localization of gravitational wave sources in the sky enhancing our understading of such cosmic events

The Visits
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EGO and Cosmic Concert
We come to the novelty of this year where on the vening of December 29, 2023 at 9:00 PM at the Teatro Verdi in Pisa there will be a Cosmic Concert featuring the All Stars orchestra
The aim is to involve the community and society in the pursuit of knowledge passing through the art of music that unites us all
The event is set during the Christmas season fitting for celebrating the 2oth anniversary of the opening of the
The repertoire includes music by Sir John Williams whose work has provided film scores for directors such as Oliver Stone Steve Spielberg and Oliver Lucas
On this occasion Maestro Carmine Pinto will conduct the orchestra with the advice of Maestro Lorenzo Corti
Pieces will be dedicated to famous soundtracks such as Star Wars E.T. and Close Encounters of the Third Kind