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Courtyards of Lucca History developped above all in the historic center of the city
The Lucchesi have even been skilled traders and businessman.
They wish to boosted the economy creating in several points of the city areas or courtyards
to sell buy exchange products such as eggs or skin and fish.
Courtyards of Lucca History with this new concept borned “Corte delle Uova ” Corte del pesce”
“Corte del Pellame
Borned the Courtyards Lucchese and formed by an architectural and residential point of
view buildings as the towers with sometime with five floors closed by four
walls with in the center a well used by single family
The Courtyard had part on ground floor it was usually arched
and here the sale of the products or the artisan shop
The Courtyards have been closed in the evening and the had balconies loggias
windows buckets