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Concept Green Lucca Holidays is our purpose
We have been pursuing this since 2016 at the opening of
B&B Villa Sunrise choosing to add value to the structure
Villa belongins to a family from Lucca dated 1930 mase us think
and pursue over time the idea the Green is good for everyoner
Responsibility and Sustainability
We relied on Deytron for the purchase of the certified Havan Forte
line Ecolabel to use quality toilet paper and napkins
The product has a brown color coming from the use of 100% recycled
cellulose from processing waste of cardboard packaging
Respecting Nature
Respecting nature means giving our contribution and sharing it with
Therefore at your disposal you will find Ecolabel courtesy set with
vegetable soap and vegetal bubble bath
We also use vegetal detergents for cleaning rooms
Let’s not waste the Light
The light yess we can and we use low-consumption lights
indoor and reusing mannequins to make nice bedroom lamps
While for the external lights we have the twilight and therefore
We have thought of water
Water surely the most precious we need for our life on the earth
commodity for life on the our land. From the 2021 season we have made
available to guests in free of charge fresh water dispenser in this way eliminating
100% use of plastic bottles.
Thanks to the company blublublu we are plastic free
Organic jams
They are from local are seasonal or natural jams with 60% fruit without
adding chemical additives.
They have two ingredients : Fruit and suga
In this way we raise the level and always offer you the best.
City-Bike surely there is no shortage of bikes for aware tourists to all disposal by some years
That’s all we’ve done for now but I’m definitely not going to stop there!